Buy 4 Candy Colors Line Case And Get 1 Free
Cancellation is possible only before order is shipped. Order cannot be cancelled if it has been shipped already. However, returns will still be applicable according to our policies. Refund processing time is minimum 5 to 7 working days.
Exchange or Refund:
We do not have return policy, however we consider some exceptions for processing refund or return.
We've designed our policies to be friendly to our customers and sustainable for us. The return window lasts three days starting the date of delivery. If three days have gone by since the order's delivery, we wouldn't be able to offer you a refund or exchange. To initiate the exchange or refund, you will have to drop a request at or whatsapp us at 9833263560. We have the sole discretion to approve or reject your return request.
Customer will have to ship products back to us. After receiving the products we will check and update regarding refund / exchange request.
For an order to be eligible for a return, the product(s) must be in unused condition along with original packaging. Purchase with obvious signs of use can't be refunded. Refund processing time is minimum 5 to 7 working days.
Defect or Damaged Parcel Received:
In case if the products gets damaged in transit, we shall take full responsibility and replace the product(s). We will need unboxing video to process this request.